Tracking by ID (JavaScript)

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The __CR.track_id call in ConversionRuler is is used to track when the mouse is clicked on a particular ID within an HTML page, and can be used to track Flash advertisements, non-link elements, or link elements.

Function parameters

The __CR.track_id' function is identical to __CR.track but with an additional, first parameter which is the ID of the element to track.

function __CR.track_id("id-to-track", "action_code", "action_reference_1", "action_amount_1", "action_reference_2", "action_amount_2", ... 4 additional tracking parameters)

You should call this function after the Tracking Snippet is invoked on the page.

Similar to the __CR.track you can pass up to four text values and four amounts to ConversionRuler to be stored along with the action that a visitor has taken.

In addition, if any of the variables are defined in the global scope:

  • cramount or cramount0
  • cramount1
  • cramount2
  • cramount3
  • crtext or crtext0
  • crtext1
  • crtext2
  • crtext3

They will be passed to ConversionRuler when the element on the page is clicked.

Example 1: Passing values explicitly

Our page contains the following HTML:

<div id="advertisement">
   <script type="text/javascript">
   var ad_id = 412623423;
   ... Flash advertisement code ...

... ConversionRuler Tracking Snippet ...

<script type="text/javascript">
    __CR.track_id("advertisement", 3, "top-ad", null, ad_id);

Clicks on the div with ID advertisement are tracked, and the reference values "top-ad" and "412623423" (the value of ad_id) are passed to ConversionRuler if the visitor clicks the ad.

Example 1: Passing values using globals

Our page contains the following HTML:

<div id="advertisement">
   <script type="text/javascript">
   var ad_id = 412623423;
   var crtext0 = "top-ad";
   var crtext1 = ad_id;
   ... Flash advertisement code ...

... ConversionRuler Tracking Snippet ...

<script type="text/javascript">
    __CR.track_id("advertisement", 3);

Clicks on the div with ID advertisement is tracked, and the reference values "top-ad" (crtext0) and "412623423" (crtext1) are passed to ConversionRuler if the visitor clicks the ad.

This method of passing values to ConversionRuler may be more error prone with multiple IDs tracked on a page due to the fact that it uses global values.

See also