Edit Conversion Action

From Market Ruler Help
Revision as of 22:05, 25 January 2011 by Admin (talk | contribs)
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When editing or creating a new Conversion Action, you can configure the following:

  • Name - a short, descriptive name for the action which appears in reports and on the Installation Page
  • Description - For your information only, gives you some place to explain what this conversion action is intended for, what pages it is on, or any information that is important to remember about it.
  • Once per user - Record this action only once per user. If a visitor comes back 20 times, this action is recorded the first time it occurs, and never again.
  • Once per session - Record this action only once per visit to your site. A session is a visit to your site with 30 minutes of inactivity.
  • Minimum time between actions - How to disambiguate actions which occur within a short period of time of each other.
  • Total Labels - Supplying labels here means you wish to track order amounts (or commerce information). This label will be used in reports in a column which totals all of your orders. You can supply any numeric information when recording this action.
  • Reference Labels - Supplying a label here means you wish to track order numbers, or some other text associated with your visitor (such as an email address, etc.). This label will be used in detail reports.
  • There are two additional labels which are similar in functionality 2nd Total Label, 2nd Reference Label.

By clicking Show additional labels in the administrative interface, you can supply up to four different totals and four different reference labels to be recorded for each action.

Very important

Adding the "Total" or "Reference" labels above does not mean they will be recorded on your conversion action pages. That needs to be configured on the installation page, and then on your web site.