Market Ruler EUGDPR Privacy Statement

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The following documents can be used for inclusion in a site's privacy statements.

ConversionRuler Privacy Statement

This website uses the web analytics service ConversionRuler. Provider is Market Ruler, LLC, P.O. Box 1537, Media, PA 19063, USA.


  • "Consent" is considered to be any lawful basis of data collection as outlined in Article 6, Paragraph 1 in the EU GDPR Text (PDF) under Lawfulness of processing.
  • "Cookies" are small portions of text which are stored in your browser and are used to identify visitors between pages on the site.
  • "Personal Data" is any information related to a natural person or Data Subject, that can be used to directly or indirectly identify the person.
  • "Web Site Operators" are customers of ConversionRuler who use our analytics service.


ConversionRuler uses Cookies to identify visitors to websites. Cookies associated with your web browser are transmitted to ConversionRuler's servers in the USA and stored there.

ConversionRuler's Cookies do not, by default, represent or store any Personal Data.

The ConversionRuler service provides means by which Web Site Operators in the European Union can lawfully receive Consent prior to storing cookies on your computer, as Web Site Operators have an interest in understanding visitor behavior, specifically when related to understanding marketing effectiveness.

IP Addresses

Due to the nature of how the internet works, and unless you take measures to protect your IP Address using anonymization services, visiting any web site on the internet discloses your IP address to Web Site Operators prior to giving Consent.

European Union courts have ruled that IP Address information is only considered Personal Data when associated with other Personal Data such as email addresses or name information. ConversionRuler does not, by default, collect any Personal Data but allows website providers to receive Consent from visitors prior to using our service to record Personal Data.

IP Addresses can not be anonymized by any web analytics service prior to submission to their servers without using a trusted intermediary server. ConversionRuler supports several features which aid in protection of Personal Data when associated with your IP Address, specifically the ability to anonymize IP Addresses after submission to our servers using our IP Address Privacy feature, the ability for providers to identify Personal Data in our services, for Personal Data to be automatically anonymized after a time period as well as the ability of web site visitors to review, and to request editing or deletion of their Personal Data.


The ConversionRuler service provides a means to opt-out of tracking by our service, by visiting this link:

See also