Minimum time between actions

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The Minimum time between actions setting is applied to a ConversionRuler Site and a Conversion Action, and can be used to eliminate duplicate actions in your reports.

If this value is not specified in your ConversionRuler Site, the default value for all action is 300 seconds (or 5 minutes).

To understand how this works, let's look at the following scenario:

  1. You run an service site which has a page which contains a "Tour page" which you have set up as a Conversion Action
  2. A visitor comes to your site from a Pay-Per-Click advertisement, and after a few minutes, visits the Tour page
  3. They click around some more, and after another 15 minutes, they come back to the Tour page.

So, does this count as two distinct actions, or one?

The short answer to this is we don't know either. You do, however. You can configure the number of minutes after which that second action counts as another Conversion Action or not.

Note that you specify this time period in seconds, so 10 minutes would be 600 seconds, etc.

Here's a handy guide to setting up some common values:

  • 300 seconds = 5 minutes
  • 600 seconds = 10 minutes
  • 900 seconds = 15 minutes
  • 1200 seconds = 20 minutes

You can specify this value for your Site (meaning all actions), or you can specify it on an per-action basis.

Very important

We always consider actions unique if:

  • They are on two different pages (That is, the URL changes between the pages)
  • They contain different commerce information (say, two different orders)

You can:

See also