Can I force a particular landing parameter on a landing page?

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Yes. You can simply record any particular landing parameter, at any different level by using JavaScript and modifying the existing Tracking Snippet.


If any of the following JavaScript variables are defined before the Tracking Snippet, they will automatically record the value for the landing:

cr0 crcategory
Records a forced landing level Category (Level 0)
cr1 crsource
Records a forced landing level Source (Level 1)
cr2 crcampaign
Records a forced landing level Category (Level 2)
cr3 crkeyword
Records a forced landing level Keyword (Level 3)
cr4 crsplit crsplit0
Records a forced landing level category (Level 4)
cr5 crsplit1
Records a forced landing level category (Level 5)
cr6 crsplit2
Records a forced landing level category (Level 6)
cr7 crsplit3
Records a forced landing level category (Level 7)

For example:

<script type="text/javascript">
var crsplit0 = 'Landing Page A';
var crsplit1 = 'Headline 1';
var crsplit2 = 'Body Copy 4';
<!-- ConversionRuler Snippet Below Here -->

Will record the values as part of the Landing.

How do I use this?

Split Testing

Send your traffic to a single landing URL, and properly redirect to a Split Testing page.

Tracking content which is regularly updated

If you send traffic to a page which contains regularly updated items (such as news items, or offers), you can encode the offer information into the landing to see how individual offers perform over time.

<script type="text/javascript">
var crsplit = 'NEWS-2009-10-02';
<!-- ConversionRuler Snippet Below Here -->

Simplifying your Landing URL links

If your inbound links are always sent to the same Landing URL for a particular Category, Source, Campaign, or Keyword, you can simplify all of your external URLs by using these parameters on your page.

What happens if I use two variables for the same level?

We specify multiple variables for each level for convenience.

If you did this:

<script type="text/javascript">
var crsplit = 'NEWS-2009-10-02';
var crsplit0 = 'WHICH-ONE-WINS';
<!-- ConversionRuler Snippet Below Here -->

Both cr4, crsplit and crsplit0 are synonyms, so which one is recorded?

The first one encountered as listed to the left is recorded. So cr4 is recorded if it exists, regardless if other variables are recorded.

Regardless, you should choose a methodology for how you want to specify your landings, and stick to it to avoid issues like this.

Adding support for Non-JavaScript Browsers

If you want support for Non-JavaScript Browsers, you'll need to add the same variable names to the end of the ConversionRuler Image Bug:

...<noscript><img src="
siteid=XXX&actn=0&nojs=1&crsplit0=Landing+Page+A&&crsplit1=Headline+1&crsplit2=Body+Copy+4" width="1" height="1" style="position: absolute; left: 0" /></noscript>

See also